It looks complex, but as you use the app more often the layout changes to emphasize the tools you use the most which are very helpful when editing. It is organized in a way that makes it easy to manage images. It is a competent application that works well when processing RAW images.

A big flaw is not being able to do all your work in one window and seeing your progress in one screen. The metadata will not transfer over properly from one app to the other and it does not point out the shadows and highlights the way the Aperture did. Apple Photos is a very useful application, however, there are some flaws that may affect the photos you are editing. It is able to store your photos on iCloud and let you edit them from any Apple device, which is convenient. It has a lot of the same features that Aperture had including filters, crop, adjust, retouch, rotate and enhance, but is still missing some that Aperture provided. Many who are looking for a replacement for Aperture would typically turn to Apple Photos because it is what Apple is promoting to be the main replacement since they discontinued Aperture. Here are some options for Apple Aperture alternatives and replacements. Aperture fans were, to say the least, dismayed. Apple announced in April of 2019 that the newest macOS would not support Aperture and that Photos would serve as a replacement for Aperture. Around 2014, the progress and responsiveness of the Aperture team began to deteriorate. Aperture was very efficient, but not as efficient as promised. It did eventually get dropped to about $80, but today you can still do better than that. Now with many other substitutions available, $500 is definitely not the ideal price. Lightroom proved Aperture did not have to be so costly. It could be argued that the price was reasonable at the time because there was not a lot of competition, except for Adobe Lightroom which came out about a year after Aperture and did about the same functions.
When it first came out it cost about $500 to download the app. It seemed to be a first of its kind because there really was not another photo editing software that did what Aperture did and the price reflected that. When Aperture was first released in 2005, it was meant to make it easier to work with RAW images.